Natural Cough Suppressants

Natural Cough Suppressants

Herbal cough remedies and dosages. Before using any of the herbal remedies herein mentioned, an individual needs to check on the correct dosage and if the herb has any interactions with the individual’s existing medications.

Herbal cough remedies and dosages

Before using any of the herbal remedies herein mentioned, an individual needs to check on the correct dosage and if the herb has any interactions with the individual’s existing medications. Below are some herbals for dealing with cold symptoms that trigger a cough:

Goldenseal is an ideal herbal treatment for dealing with cough because it has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antitussive properties. The recommended dosage is 125mg up to four times daily for adults, but the herb should not be consumed longer than 7 days.

Elderberry: When using Elderberry to treat the underlying condition of a cough, adults can consume the herb in the form of a tea by brewing three to five dried flowers in hot water for up to 15 minutes. The individual can drink the concoction up to three times a day. The herb helps to loosen up congestion and make a cough more productive. The hot tea is also soothing. This herb is not recommended for pregnant women, nursing mothers, or children. It is also not recommended for anyone with hypertension or diabetes.

Marshmallow is an herbal remedy that addresses the hoarseness in one’s throat that can trigger a cough. An individual can consume marshmallow in tincture form at a dosage of two to four droppers full, two to three times each day to treat cough and hoarseness. The herb is available as a powder and infusion as well.

Eucalyptus ointments can reduce congestion and phlegm responsible for a cough.

Licorice root remains a classic home remedy for sore throat relief, which may help diminish a cough triggered by throat irritation.

Pregnant or breastfeeding women and people with liver disease, kidney disease, or hypertension should not use the herb. This herb’s primary effect is on the immune system as well as the endocrine and digestive systems. The herb should not be taken in doses over 4 grams a day. Licorice has anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties while working as an expectorant and natural cough remedy. The individual can consume the herb as a tea one to two times daily.

Natural cough suppressant

Slippery elm is another herbal that serves to remedy a cough by treating the underlying condition of a sore throat. The herb, when consumed as a tea, has antitussive and demulcent properties. The individual can consume the herb two to three times a day as a one-cup decoction. Slippery Elm has positive effects on the digestive and respiratory systems.

Peppermint is an aromatic herbal, good for treating colds and digestive conditions. The active ingredient in peppermint is menthol, which works as a natural decongestant. The menthol diminishes the amount of mucus the individual has and it simultaneously works as an expectorant. This herb can help with dry coughs and sore throats. The herb is ideal for children. Pepper oil should never be consumed orally. Peppermint also helps rid the body of toxins through increased perspiration.

The individual can consume peppermint as a tea, or use the oil aromatically.


The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, and does not constitute medical or other professional advice. … Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read or seen on our website.


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