Uses for Pura Green

Use Pura Green to:

  • Take the benefits of vegetables and greens with you 
  • Decrease inflammation
  • Give your immune system a boost
  • Fill nutritional gaps
  • Detoxify and clean the blood

In today’s hectic world, it is nearly impossible to eat enough vegetables, especially greens, to satisfy the body’s needs. Studies show that most people do not consume the recommended five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables per day. Pura Green is portable and easy-to-use, making it a great option for people who travel and live busy lifestyles.

Many foods that we consume are highly acidic. When your body becomes too acidic, inflammatory issues such as heart disease, arthritis, cancer, respiratory challenges, joint problems, and digestive disorders can occur. Neutralizing acidic foods with alkaline ones, like the greens found in Pura Green, help restore your body’s natural balance. The chlorophyll in Pura Green also alkalizes and cleans the blood, freeing your red blood cells to carry oxygen into tissues and metabolic waste out.

The powerful blend of minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants in Pura Green help fight free radicals, eliminate toxins, and encourage new cell growth. Pura Green is an excellent way to give yourself added health insurance and make sure you get alkalizing greens every day.

You will also be consuming 4 grams of plant-based protein per serving.  The hemp in Pura Green is considered to be the most balanced, natural and digestible source of complete protein, essential fats, and amino acids found in nature. The pea protein is hypoallergenic, highly soluble, and easy to digest.