Fiber to Help Process Sugar

Fiber to Help your Body Cope with Large Amounts of Sugar

Fiber slows the absorption of food in the small intestine. The rate in which carbohydrates are digested is closely related to how fast they are absorbed, which determines the rise of blood sugar. When carbohydrate and plant fibers are eaten together, blood sugar levels are considerably lower than when the same type of carbohydrate is eaten alone.

The average American consumes over 125 pounds of white sugar every year. Sugar makes up 24% of our daily calorie intake, with soda pop supplying the majority of sugar. As a nation, we eat an average of 15 quarts of ice cream per person per year. Our diets are loaded with sugar, hidden or added from our first bowl of sugary cold cereal to our daily big gulps, pastries, chips and candy bars.

Our homes and work places are teeming with sugar lacking in fiber. The human body was not set up to process such enormous quantities of sugar. What is really disturbing is that combining this high sugar diet with a lack of fiber makes it so much more harmful to us.

What Fiber Can Do:

  • It can reduce the amount of insulin needed by keeping blood sugar levels lower.

  • It can lower cholesterol and lipid levels in the blood, which can become elevated in the presence of too much insulin.

  • It can help promote weight loss, which can even cure some cases of adult onset diabetes.

8 Ways to Increase Dietary Fiber:

  • Change to whole meal breads with high fiber contents

  • Eat breakfast cereals that are high in bran or are made from whole grain (Oat Bran, Whole Wheat, etc.)

  • Dramatically increase the amount of raw fruits and vegetables consumed.

  • Use legumes liberally as substitutes for animal protein or dairy products.

  • Avoid eating refined and processed foods.

  • Drink 8-10 glasses of water each day.

  • Stay away from refined white sugar, white flour and limit alcohol intake.

  • Use a high-quality extra-dietary fiber supplement such as Pura Cleanse or Pura Cleanse II daily.


The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, and does not constitute medical or other professional advice. … Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read or seen on our website.


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