Uses for Miracle Choice Hemp Extract

Possible benefits from using Miracle Choice Hemp Extract topically:

– May help to relieve chronic pain. Massages with CBD oil have been reported to relieve chronic pain and inflammation. It may even be helpful for burns, cuts, and scars.

– May lessen PMS symptoms such as cramping and pain. The Hemp Extract combined with nourishing coconut oil, absorbed into the skin and CB1 and CB2 receptors, can help reduce cramping, breast tenderness, sore joints, and back pain.

– Could help relieve joint pain. The use of cannabinoids has been shown to reduce inflammation and strengthen the immune system. Miracle Choice Hemp Extract is an all-organic, safe and natural way to manage pain.

– Could help improve skin conditions. Miracle Choice Hemp Extract is a nourishing and anti-inflammatory way to treat sunburns, bug bites, chapped lips, dry skin, rashes and burns. It also shows promise for treating acne, eczema, psoriasis, and dermatitis.

Take Miracle Choice Hemp Extract orally for:

– Endocannabinoid Deficiency. Through the stresses and strains of modern living, the endocannabinoid system can become depleted, making it less effective at bringing balance to the body. American neurologist, Dr. Ethan Russo has termed this as an endocannabinoid deficiency, and suggests that it may be the root cause of difficult to explain illnesses such as migraines, fibromyalgia, MS, and IBS.

– Pain and inflammation. The cannabidiol (CBD), found in the hemp plant, can decrease pain and inflammation. CBD is an alternative to the highly addictive opiate-based pain medications, such as Vicodin and OxyContin.

– Anxiety. Endocannabinoids activate the part of the brain associated with feeling good. Supplementing with a full spectrum cannabinoid product can encourage the creation of receptors and endocannabinoids.

– May enhance sleep. Cannabinoids in hemp extract are known to relieve pain, reduce anxiety and stress, and create a calming effect. All these factors contribute to increased sleep time and quality.

– May lessen or relieve PMS symptoms. The combination effect of cannabinoids blocking pain and reducing inflammation makes hemp extract a great option for women before or during their menstrual cycle.

– Immune system. Recent research suggests that CBD is a strong antioxidant that is more efficient than Vitamin C and Vitamin E at protecting cells from free radical damage.

– May lessen the likelihood of seizures. CBD oil has been especially useful for children with seizure disorders, in many cases allowing them to stop taking prescribed sedatives that cause lethargic behavior.

– May lessen symptoms of addiction. There is accumulating research that cannabinoids, and CBD in particular, appear to be a therapeutic option for pain and anxiety, without the dangers of overdose and addiction. A recent study also found that CBD may help treat symptoms that are known to trigger relapse in alcoholics and drug addicts, like anxiety, withdrawal symptoms, cravings and impulsivity.

– Mental health. Cannabinoids are being studied for their positive effects on the brain. Early studies indicate that CBD boosts signaling in serotonin receptors, which can reduce anxiety and boost mood. Other studies are finding that CBD boosts neuron production in the hippocampus, offering a promising treatment for depression.

– Lessen or slow neurodegeneration disorders. The endocannabinoid system connects the body with the parts of the brain that control many things, such as pain, movement, and memory. Research is currently being conducted to examine cannabinoids as a possible solution for disorders such as Parkinson’s, MS, Huntington’s, epilepsy, tremors, Alzheimer’s, and schizophrenia.