The Purpose of Multi-Vitamins

It’s absolutely crucial that our body gets the nutrients it needs to function effectively and[...]

A Year in Reflection

A Year to Reflect: Joy, Faith, Peace By Victoria Sweet There’s something magical about this[...]

Pura Cleanse vs Metamucil

We are often asked why Pura Cleanse work so much better than Metamucil. Our best[...]

The Spirit of the Hopi

Purifying & Cleansing On July 20th 2013, I was honored to be invited by the[...]

Fundamentals of Being Human

Basic Understanding of Life You will receive a body. You may like it or hate[...]

Listen to Your Heart

You Have Nothing to Fear Here is a true heartwarming story I personally have experienced[...]

Fighting Cancer Holistically

Cancer Brings Opportunity Unlike death, disease offers us the opportunity to restore our life while[...]