Colloidal Silver vs. CBD

In the 21st century, humans have adopted a significantly different lifestyle pattern from what we[...]

12 Natural Antibiotics

Over the last several decades, over-use of antibiotics has reached an all-time high. The result[...]

Uses for Colloidal Silver

Use Colloidal Silver to: – Treat ear and sinus infections, as well as pink eye. Drops of Colloidal[...]

Why Silver Should be in Your Medicine Cabinet

Did you know……. The antimicrobial properties of silver have been known since 400 B.C. Silver[...]

Building and Maintaining Healthy Immune Systems

Teach children to wash their hands well after using the restroom, after playing outdoors in[...]

Chronic Colds

Do you have chronic colds? We are constantly exposed to cold-causing organisms without them actually[...]

What is Colloidal Silver

Colloidal Silver is a health supplement commonly used to kill bacteria, viruses, germs and fungus[...]